
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Epistemologie: Definition; Objektivität (Notion); das Ziel des Fragens und Intendierens

Kurzinhalt: Epistemology is the science that deals with the validity or objectivity of human knowing ... Instead of asking. What am I doing when I am knowing?, you ask. Why do I do knowing?

Textausschnitt: 6. Notion of Objectivity

72/5 Epistemology is the science that deals with the validity or objectivity of human knowing. I have argued that such a science depends on a prior cognitional theory that begins, not by asking about the validity of human knowledge, but by asking about what you, as a concrete knowing subject, are doing when you are 'doing' knowing. The answer is that you are doing three different, but functionally relatable activities which you unite by your own spontaneous wonder. This wonder manifests itself, first, as inquisitive wonder, leading you from experiencing to understanding, and, then, as critical wonder, directing you from understanding to judging. (140; Fs) (notabene)

73/5 After appropriating what you are doing when you are knowing, the question shifts from appropriating your own operations of knowing to the goal intended in all the different patterns of knowing. This shift changes wondering from a cognitional concern to an epistemological concern. Instead of asking. What am I doing when I am knowing?, you ask. Why do I do knowing? The answer is given by appropriating the objective that is sought, naturally and spontaneously, in every form of knowing, namely, some aspect of the real or being. (140; Fs) (notabene)


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