
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Komplexität: Moralische Entwicklung

Kurzinhalt: Verschiedene Arten und Organisationen von "good";

Textausschnitt: 36/4 Moral development is development in the good that is one's concern. But one's emphasis or concern can fall upon particular goods, 'what's good for me'; it can fall upon the good of order; and it can fall upon values. And one's apprehension of values can be aesthetic or ethical or religious. These differences give rise to the possibility of a great variety of modes of organization of the moral subject, the possibility of different bases of moral orientation. (97; Fs) (notabene)
37/4 Moreover, it is very difficult to draw sharp distinctions. There is a natural line of development in man. The child has to develop not only spiritually but also as an animal. The two developments are required, and both are good, both are natural.
41/4 So what I have been saying is that the question of moral development is very complex, and one must not jump to conclusions about particular individuals. A person may be apprehending symbolically a very high morality even though he seems to be apprehending nothing but the particular good; he may be living according to


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