
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Sein; heuristische Struktur des Fragens; Definition des Seins durch die Tätigkeit des Fragens nach dem Sein; Sein als Frage nach der Totalität richtiger Urteile

Kurzinhalt: Definition des Seins durch die Tätigkeit des Fragens nach dem Sein; Sein als Frage nach der Totalität richtiger Urteile

Textausschnitt: 62/5 A correct judgment is absolute only in virtue of the conditions having been given, as you have understood and judged them to be given. But there is nothing conditioned about the final objective since it is not 'virtually unconditioned,' but totally and completely unconditioned. However, since you have not understood and judged everything about everything, and since clarity and precision come from understanding and defining, how can you define what you have not understood? (137; Fs)

63/5 You can know what you do not know by knowing the type of acts through which you will come to know what you do not now know. Thus, both on the second and third level of knowing, you can form anticipatory structures that heuristically define the unknown through those activities that will make it known. This is the significance of implicit, heuristic, or second-order definitions. Rather than defining 'being,' which you do not understand and which you have not judged, you can define the acts and the totality of acts through which this unrestricted unknown will come to be known. 'Being' can be defined as that which you will know through the totality of correct judgments. (137f; Fs)


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