
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Topics in Education

Titel: Topics in Education

Stichwort: Value; ästhetischer, ethischer und religiöser Wert

Kurzinhalt: three kinds of value: aesthetic, ethical, and religious

Textausschnitt: 30/2 The third element in the invariant structure of the human good is value. Not only are there setups, but people ask, 'Is the setup good?' They say, 'There is nothing wrong with him, it's the setup.' Children fight about particular goods, but men fight about the value of a good of order.
32/2 Aesthetic value is the realization of the intelligible in the sensible: when the good of order of a society is transparent, when it shines through the products of that society,
33/2 Secondly, there is ethical value. It swings us beyond discussion of the good as developing object to the good that is the subject. Ethical value is the conscious emergence of the subject as autonomous, responsible, free


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