
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Psalmen; kein Ausdruck persönlicher Frömmigkeit; 2 Missverständniss

Kurzinhalt: ... but derive from hymns, liturgies, prayers, and oracles to be used in the cult of the pre-exilic monarchy

Textausschnitt: 48/9 The discovery that the Psalms are not original expressions of personal or collective piety written in postexilic or perhaps even post-Maccabaean times, but derive from hymns, liturgies, prayers, and oracles to be used in the cult of the pre-exilic monarchy, is one of the important events, perhaps the most important one, in the Old Testament study of the twentieth century. While the discovery has by now been almost generally accepted, the exploration of details, far from being concluded, furnishes occasion for wide disagreements. Moreover, the symbols of the Psalms and their "patterns" were found to have radiated over the forms of both the prophetic literature and the historical narrative, so that the interpretation of the Old Testament as a whole is faced with entirely new problems.
49/9 Of the reasons why the nature of the Psalms has remained obscure for so long, two have been especially noted: (283; Fs)
(1) The first one ...
The obstacle to an adequate understanding of the Psalms was the Zeitgeist of the nineteenth century, with its individualism in "poetry" and "religion." Romanticism and Pietism conspired to obscure the generic and cultic nature of the Psalms.


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