
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: toldoth, Generationen, Adam; Schöpfung und co-operative Mit-Schöpfung

Kurzinhalt: kein genealogischer Aufstiege, sondern Fortsetzung der Schöpfung in der Ebenbildlichkeit Gottes; co-operative obedience

Textausschnitt: 44/6 With the linguistic structure of the text before him, the reader will not doubt that the toldoth of Adam continue the toldoth of heavens and earth. The authors intended the meanings of creation and procreation to merge in a co-operative process; the order of being is meant to arise from the creative initiative of God and the procreative response of the creation. Hence, what is trustworthy about the registers is not the genealogical ascent from the presently living to some remote ancestor but the generative descent from God-generative understood in the double meaning of creative-procreative. . The adam that was created by God with the procreative response of ad and adamah continues to generate himself in the likeness of God ...
Hence, the process of world-history reaches its highest level with the divine choice of individuals and groups for special instruction and the trusting response of the chosen individuals and groups. The special relationship between God and man is formalized through the covenants. The covenant, the berith, must therefore be ranked with toroth and toldoth as the third great symbol used in the expression of Israelite historical thought.


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