
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Hauptthemen der israelitischen Geschichtsschreibung: Instruktionen, Fruchtbarkeit

Kurzinhalt: Hence, the historiographer will be, first of all, concerned with the divine instructions (toroth) that furnish the measure for human conduct;

Textausschnitt: The subject-matter of Israelite historiography, as we have seen, is world-history in the pregnant sense of a report on the emergence of divinely willed order in world and society through the creative and covenanting acts of God. If for the moment the brief introductory account of the Creation, as well as its bearing on the further happenings, is set aside, one can say that the vastly preponderant bulk of the report is concerned with the human drama of obedience to, and defection from, the will of God. Hence, the historiographer will be, first of all, concerned with the divine instructions (toroth) that furnish the measure for human conduct and its appraisal


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