
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: Critical Point in philosophy; Hauptunterschied zw Realismus, Idealismus und Lonergan

Kurzinhalt: For a materialist the terms are real, the intelligible unification subjective; for an idealist the terms cannot be reality, and ...

Textausschnitt: This is the critical point in philosophy. For a materialist the terms are real, the intelligible unification subjective; for an idealist the terms cannot be reality, and the intelligible unification is not objective; for the Platonist the terms are not reality but the intelligible unifications are objective in another world; for the Aristotelian both are objective in this world; Thomism adds a third category, existence, to Aristotelian matter and form. (Fußnote zu Absatz 333)


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