
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Ding; Unterscheidung: biologisch, common-sense ...

Kurzinhalt: Der Körper ist kein Ding; Erfahrung des Dinges entsprechend der verschiedenen Erfahrungsmuster; Verständnis des Dinges erst durch die "Zusammenschau" aller Weisen der Erfahrung und Erkennens

Textausschnitt: () ... to distinguish between things as biologically experienced and things as known in the other patterns of experience in which we operate

() 'Real' bodies in the biological patterning of experience are ones that are out there, right now. Such things are sensed, directly and immediately. But sensing is not knowing; it is only a first step to knowing. Without insights that mediate and transcend the sensibly known unities, we cannot know the concrete, intelligible unities we mean by the term 'thing.'

() ... the common-sense pattern of knowing does involve insights through which things are made intelligible but only in a limited form of knowing, since in this pattern knowers are not especially interested in grasping the what and the why of things. They are interested instead in naming things and relating them to one another in terms of their sensible likenesses and differences.

() ... to know the thing completely we must understand all the different ways that things can be known and be able to integrate these different patterns. To do this effectively requires nothing less than a metaphysical understanding of the complete being and behaving of things.


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