
Autor: Voegelin, Eric

Buch: Israel and Revelation

Titel: Israel and Revelation

Stichwort: Definition: kosmologische Symbolisierung im strengen Sinne

Kurzinhalt: may be defined as the symbolization of political order by means of cosmic analogies; wechselseitige Durchdringung zw. Kosmos und Welt: typisch für Mesopotamien, nicht für China: teh

Textausschnitt: Cosmological symbolization in a strict sense may be defined as the symbolization of political order by means of cosmic analogies. The life of man and society is experienced as ordered by the same forces of being which order the cosmos, and cosmic analogies both express this knowledge and integrate social into cosmic order.
Moreover, the relations between heaven and earth were so intimate that the separateness of their existences was all but blurred. The empire was part of the cosmos, but the cosmos was an empire of which the dominion of man was a subdivision. There was one order embracing the world and society that could be understood either cosmologically or politically.
The mutuality of analogical illumination, and especially the conception of the world as a political order, is peculiar to Mesopotamia; it is not characteristic of all cosmological civilizations. In Chinese civilization, for instance,


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