
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: Thomas: Intellekt ist quod quid est; inner word (inneres Wort) als Produkt des Verstehens

Kurzinhalt: Intellekt = Verstehen; intelligere is understanding; we do not know anything by sight unless it is colored. But the proper object of intellect is quod quid est

Textausschnitt: It remains that the principal meaning of intelligere is understanding. ... He repeatedly affirmed that the quod quid est is the proper object of intellect ...
Whatever intellect knows, it knows through the quod quid est which is the substance of the object: just as whatever is known by sight is known through color, so what is known by intellect is known through the quod quid est. What cannot be known by intellect in that manner cannot be known at all. However,
Apart from certain natural concepts, of which we shall speak later, it cannot even be suggested that Aquinas thought of conception as an automatic process. Conceptualization comes as the term and product of a process of reasoning. As long as the reasoning, the fluctuation of discourse, continues, the inner word is as yet unuttered. But it also is true that as long as the reasoning continues, we do not as yet understand; for until the inner word is uttered, we are not understanding but only thinking in order to understand.
'Again, no cognitive power knows anything except in relation to its proper object; for example, we do not know anything by sight unless it is colored. But the proper object of intellect is quod quid est, that is, the substance of the thing, ...
In the second place, Aquinas considered the inner word to be a product of the act of understanding


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