
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: Genetisch; Eiche; Regelmäßigkeit

Kurzinhalt: klassische, statistische, genetische Regelmäßigkeit; Antizipationen der jeweiligen Methode

Textausschnitt: () ... example of a tree. The oak tree evolves from a small acorn, and so we say that the acorn develops into an oak tree. But does the tree develop according to a law? We certainly speak of regularity in biological growth, but we also speak of the regularity in the planetary cycle. There are, then, two meanings of regularity: classical regularity and genetic or developmental regularity.

() Classical method anticipates discovering laws that can be combined into various abstract schemes or patterns. Statistical method characterizes how often such abstract, possible schemes may emerge and survive, and statistical thinkers also anticipate that there will be nonsystematic occurrences diverging from these systematic occurrences. Genetic method anticipates that there will be a sequence of such systems that can be correlated developmentally.


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