
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Aristoteles, Syllogismus, Mondphasen
Syllogismus, middle term, Mondphasen

Kurzinhalt: Die Mondphasen als Mittelterm, der Mond als Subjekt, die Kugel als Prädikat

Textausschnitt: The phases are the causa cognoscendi of the sphericity of the moon; we know the moon is a sphere because it goes through these phases. If it were just a disc the whole circle would always be illuminated; because it has a spherical surface, we see its phases. The phases are the middle term; the moon, the subject; sphericity, the predicate. In that case, syllogism expresses an insight. But syllogism is relevant to the third level, as exhibiting the virtually unconditioned. Syllogism is an expression of the idea of validity; the idea of the virtually unconditioned connects judgment with the absolute.


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