
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Titel: Verbum: Word and Idea in Aquinas

Stichwort: Zweifache Tätigkeit des Intellekts; Idee als Gewusstes und Medium des Wissens

Kurzinhalt: quod quid est, to ti estin; Belege durch Thomas

Textausschnitt: The first act of intellect is knowledge of the quod quid est, to ti estin, the 'What is it?' By definition, this knowledge involves neither truth nor falsity, ...
On the other hand, the second operation of intellect ... introduces the duality of idea and thing and makes the former the medium in and through which one apprehends the latter. Thus, our knowledge of God's existence is just our knowledge of the truth of the judgment 'Deus est.' ... For just as the inner word is a medium between the meaning of outer words and the realities meant, so also the inner word is a medium between the intellect and the things that are understood.


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