
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Common sense als Spezialisierung des Verstehens

Kurzinhalt: Just as there are certain types of knowing that are no business of the chemist, but belong to the physicist, so common sense is another specialization of human understanding

Textausschnitt: And common sense is a specialization of knowledge. Just as there are certain types of knowing that are no business of the chemist, but belong to the physicist, and so on all along the line, so common sense is another specialization of human understanding. It's for dealing with the concrete in practical living. And the man of common sense de facto is guided by his judgment. If you stop him and ask him whether the real is what's already out there now, or what you know in a true judgment, he'll say, 'It's what's already out there now.' But then he's talking outside his specialty; you're asking him a philosophic question. If you ask him, ... But if you get commonsense people to do some commonsense action, you'll see that they use their judgment -when they're not sure, they hem and haw and avoid the issue, put it off, and so on.


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