
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Einsicht und visio beatifica

Kurzinhalt: Insight and the Beatific Vision; knowing the ens per essentiam is the beatific vision in Thomist theory

Textausschnitt: But what's behind my concept of the notion of being is this: once you set down, posit, that intellect is intelligence, that abstraction is an intelligent operation in which you omit the irrelevant and grasp the essential - such a notion of abstraction means that you cannot have an abstraction of a concept, being, because to have abstraction in that sense, you have to grasp the essence of being; and to grasp the essence of being you have to have the ens per essentiam as the object of your knowledge, and know that object by its essence. And knowing the ens per essentiam is the beatific vision in Thomist theory.
Just as in God essence and existence are identical, so in the beatific vision grasp of essence is also knowledge of existence.


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