
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Struktur, Begriff, intelligent - intelligibel

Kurzinhalt: A technician makes a machine. The machine is not intelligent but the man who makes it; The concept is intelligible, it isn't intelligent, but the insight

Textausschnitt: A technician makes a machine. The machine is not intelligent but the man who makes it, who designs it, has to be intelligent ... The man is intelligent, the machine is intelligible. Your relations in cognitional structure are of the type 'intelligent'; your relations in the material thing, for example, are of the type 'intelligible.' The concept is intelligible, it isn't intelligent, but the insight is the act of a man qua intelligent, and the concept is intelligible because it's a product of the insight, or of the man with the insight.


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