
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Isomorphismus, Parallelität zwischen Erkennen und Welt; distinctio realis zw. Sein und Wesen

Kurzinhalt: Why is this structure in knowledge a structure in reality? real distinction between essence and existence

Textausschnitt: Now, is that the real world? Might not the real world be something totally different from that? That's the question?
Well, first of all, the answer to that question is of course to ask the man what he means by the real world. And if he means by the real world what he knows intelligently and rationally, then he means being by the real world. And if he doesn't mean something that's the fruit of his intelligence and rationality, well, we needn't bother about him.
Now you can either say that intelligibility is identical with being, so that if there are differences in intelligibility there'll be a structure in being; or, you can say the intelligibility is only in the subject, it's not in the object. If you take the first, it's a matter of comparing the different senses of intelligibility - intelligibility in itself, intelligibility in the other, and different types of intelligibility in the other - to see that there'll be that structure in the being. If you say the intelligibility is just in the knower and not in the being, then you're making the being an unknowable. Because what you know by understanding correctly is intelligible.
The further question: Why is this structure in knowledge a structure in reality?
I think in other words that that problem in its traditional form is the problem of the real distinction between essence and existence. And historically we've had all sorts of people holding there is a distinction, but it's just a distinction in our minds. And for me the point to the controversy is: The problem doesn't lie in the word 'distinction,' it lies in what you mean by reality.


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