
Autor: Melchin, R. Kenneth

Buch: History, Ethics and Emegent Probability

Titel: History, Ethics and Emegent Probability

Stichwort: Weltsicht: Darwin; Indeterminist: Realität nur auf atomarer Stufe (Quantum mechanics); alles ist nicht-systemaisch

Kurzinhalt: But this contradiction is obscured by the overwhelming emphasis upon the evident fact of randomness and its explanatory import for chance variation and natural selection. The 'Indeterminist' world view recognizes this paradox and resolves it by ...

Textausschnitt: 5/4 The 'Darwinian' and 'Indeterminist' world views, on the other hand, both grasp that mere coincidence or contingence is not to be explained away in classical laws. Statistics and the probabilities of aggregates yield explanatory knowledge of reality. But the 'Darwinian' statistical laws apply to species of 'things' and like the 'Galilean,' the 'Darwinian' view conceives such species in terms of observable variations in basic matter and not in terms of intelligibility that 'abstracts from' or disregards the particularity of times and places. Reality is not intelligibility but 'matter' taking on 'form' in place and time. Thus like the 'Galilean' the 'Darwinian' conception of classical knowledge of species demands an intricate, mechanistically determined web of interrelating classical laws fixing the times and locations of species of things in basic matter. This materialist conception of reality finally precludes the possibility of randomness and the operation of statistical laws. But this contradiction is obscured by the overwhelming emphasis upon the evident fact of randomness and its explanatory import for chance variation and natural selection. The 'Indeterminist' world view recognizes this paradox and resolves it by pronouncing the macroscopic classical laws which yield the appearance of material and of regularity to be mere illusion. The real is the microscopic and the random on the subatomic level. And only the statistical distributions of Quantum mechanics constitute knowledge of reality. Thus all processes are essentially non-systematic or random. Classical or systematic relations are creations of the minds of scientists and observers and are imposed upon data. Without classical unities and processes the non-systematic processes cannot be conceived as randomly interacting classical laws and so all process is conceived as essentially indeterminate. (100f; Fs)

Reality is not intelligibility but 'matter' taking on 'form' in place and time. Thus like the 'Galilean' the 'Darwinian' conception of classical knowledge of species demands an intricate, mechanistically determined web of interrelating classical laws fixing the times and locations of species of things in basic matter. This materialist conception of reality finally precludes the possibility of randomness and the operation of statistical laws. But this contradiction is obscured by the overwhelming emphasis upon the evident fact of randomness and its explanatory import for chance variation and natural selection. The 'Indetenninist' world view recognizes this paradox and resolves it by pronouncing the macroscopic classical laws which yield the appearance of material and of regularity to be mere illusion.
Reality is not intelligibility but 'matter' taking on 'form' in place and time. Thus like the 'Galilean' the 'Darwinian' conception of classical knowledge of species demands an intricate, mechanistically determined web of interrelating classical laws fixing the times and locations of species of things in basic matter. This materialist conception of reality finally precludes the possibility of randomness and the operation of statistical laws. But this contradiction is obscured by the overwhelming emphasis upon the evident fact of randomness and its explanatory import for chance variation and natural selection. The 'Indetenninist' world view recognizes this paradox and resolves it by pronouncing the macroscopic classical laws which yield the appearance of material and of regularity to be mere illusion.The real is the microscopic and the random on the subatomic level.


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