
Autor: Marsden, Georg M.

Buch: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

Titel: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

Stichwort: Reduktionismus

Kurzinhalt: Beispiel: Gehirnforschung, Reklametafel

Textausschnitt: "The larger issue is reductionism. Once we have a convincing explanation at the level of empirically researched connections we are inclined to think we have a complete explanation. The late Donald M. MacKay, a specialist in brain physiology, has provided some helpful reflections on this problem from the perspective of one who is both a scientist and a Christian. The physiological story of how the brain operates is vastly different from the subjective experience of its operation. Each account is in a sense true and complete at its own level. In another sense, however, it would distort our account if we insisted that only the level that we are working from provides the true story.


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