
Autor: Marsden, Georg M.

Buch: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

Titel: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship

Stichwort: Mythos der liberalen Neutralität

Kurzinhalt: Der selbsternannte Schiedsrichtiger als Meister der Verkleidung;

Textausschnitt: In a liberal society people would be free to hold to any tradition-bound beliefs they like, as long as they agree not to act on them in public. But if the modernist presumption of common reason that underlies this method is itself a constituent of a particular tradition - the western Enlightenment tradition - then the pretense to neutrality on the part of liberal tolerance begins to look more like a stratagem with a definite secular bias. The self-appointed referee turns out to be a contestant in disguise.
Liberal capitalism creates a public interest in suppressing the authority of all traditions except liberalism itself. For our purposes, as we have seen in earlier chapters, the most relevant part of the liberal tradition is that it prefers secular accounts of reality. ... Whatever one's position in such debates, however, it is naive to think of the liberal polity as being ideologically neutral.


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