
Autor: Caringella, Paul

Buch: Eric Voegelins's Significance for the Modern Mind

Titel: Voegelin: Philosopher of Devine Presence

Stichwort: Voegelin's Timaeus, das umfassende All u. seine Manifestation in der imaginativen noetischen Seele

Kurzinhalt: Kosmos als It-reality - Seele; pull - counterpull; (to pan); monosis - monogenes; Kosmos of Public Unconscious;

Textausschnitt: What emerges from Voegelin's 'final' Timaeus reading in Volume V is the 'Image of the Image.' The imagining teller of the tale, Plato, through the speaker of the table, Timaeus, finds the structure of the Cosmos as the It-reality moving through all things to the ultimate paradigmatic oneness. But the 'place' of its movement ... is the imaginative noetic psyche of the questioner for the Beginning and the Beyond.
It is in the soul of the 'thing' man that the struggle between It-reality and thing-reality goes on, symbolized as the pull of the Beyond and the resistant counterpull of the chora - the divine, immortal Beyond and the 'mortal beyond.'
the encompassing All, the to pan of reality (Voegelin's It-reality) - experienced by us as an Eikon, an Image, as the only-born, monogenes, image of the invisible oneness (monosis) of the eternal living Paradigm-Reality. The noetic quest of the embodied soul, ... is the place where the cosmos becomes luminous for its paradigmatic order, but this only through the ordering force of persuasion, of peitho, working on the receptive-resistant force of the non-thing chora, 'Space.' This Myth of the Cosmos, which, Voegelin says, is not a cos-mological myth, is Plato's exposition of his Fides, the report of his fides quaerens intellectum.
Through Voegelin's Timaeus analysis we can get some sense of the central role of everyman's consciousness and unconsciousness, of everyman's imaginative power to form and deform images of reality, to remember and forget, to fall back into the oblivion of the dominant cosmos of the Public Unconscious


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