
Autor: Walsh, William J. S.J.

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001


Stichwort: Feelings allgemein; Zwiespältigkeit d. Gefühle; Notwendigkeit d. Unterscheidung; Indifferenz

Kurzinhalt: Gefühle (intentionale Antwort auf Objekte) zw. Tatsachen- und Werturteilen; Notwendigkeit d. Indifferenz für Entscheidung;

Textausschnitt: Both innate desires to know and to act can of course be thwarted, often enough by disordered feelings. Lying midway between judgments of fact and judgments of value are apprehensions of values, those intentional responses to objects and values that are given in feelings. Feelings provide consciousness with its 'mass, momentum, drive, power.' Our intentional responses to the world around us are charged with feeling; Lonergan comments:
But feelings can be responses to what is agreeable or disagreeable, satisfying or dissatisfying, ... But agreeable or disagreeable feelings can be ambiguous and self-serving and require discernment. For discernment to occur, one must be indifferent or, if not, one must make oneself indifferent. One must pause, be at equilibrium, poised for action, steady as a balance at rest, before attempting to assay the worth of any choice, any use of other things on the face of the earth. ... nothing is allowed to stand between man and his divinely appointed destiny


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