
Autor: Caringella, Paul

Buch: Eric Voegelins's Significance for the Modern Mind

Titel: Voegelin: Philosopher of Devine Presence

Stichwort: das "Alles" d. Realität wird durchsichtig für seine Wahrheit durch: Imagination u. reflexive Suche

Kurzinhalt: periechon, 'All' of reality, It-reality, fides quaerens intellectum, Interaktion zw. It-reality u. Luminosität; Bedeutung d. Imagination

Textausschnitt: What I want to emphasize for the sake of the topic of 'religion' in Voegelin is that the comprehending reality, Voegelin's It-reality, ... becomes aware of itself as part of the greater, comprehending reality that is not a 'thing' like the consciousness or the other 'things' consciousness intends, but is the 'All' of reality becoming luminous for its truth in the imaginative symbolizations of the consciousness in its reflective search.
This emphasis on the interaction and inseparability of It-reality and thing-reality, of the luminosity of consciousness and its intentionality in the participatory paradox of reality and consciousness, and especially on the role of the imagination in symbolizing the movements in the complex of tensions, is, I think, the key point for our discussion of Voegelin's significance for the modern mind. For the imaginative interaction he describes includes a much wider horizon than what is usually included under the Christian symbolism of fides quaerens intellectum.


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