
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: ethics, conversion; Notwendigkeit von Unterscheidung (Entfremdung) u. Konversion

Kurzinhalt: Konversion, aggiornamento, kritisches Zentrum, kein Fortschritt ohne Verständnis des zu Integrierenden,

Textausschnitt: The foundational invariants of conscious intentionality are the explanatory causes of human development; interference with or opposition to their normative operation is the basis of human stagnation and decline.
In Insight, Lonergan argues that personal appropriation of the universal and invariant upper blade would provide a much needed collaborative framework, a philosophical common ground, for human investigators across the entire spectrum of specialized inquiry.
The successful execution of this ambitious integrative project, a project Lonergan directly connected with Christian aggiornamento, depends, however, on two inescapable conditions. First, we cannot credibly combine and integrate what we haven't already understood and made our own. The mediating functions of philosophy and theology clearly require sustained personal development on the part of those who would directly engage in them. Second, we cannot critically adjudicate the numerous conflicts and tensions that arise among the specialized forms of inquiry and practice unless we are able to distinguish effectively between self-transcendence and alienation in personal and communal conduct, and between truth and ideology in the thematization of human existence. ... we shall need an unprecedented level of intellectual and moral development and a sustained commitment to comprehensive conversion both as individual Christians and as an historical community of faith.
The problems of the contemporary Church are indeed grave; the tasks it faces are mountainous and the required labors are Herculean. But, as believing Christians, we are not a people without hope, for as Jesus himself has promised, nothing is impossible when authentic human beings cooperate freely and generously with the power and wisdom of God.


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