
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: ethics: grace, geschichtlich; Notwendigkeit d. Gnade, Bedeutung der Tradition für die kollektive Identität

Kurzinhalt: Gnade und Aristoteles Komplemetarität, personal decisions -> moral identity, collective decisions -> collective identity as a nation, a church

Textausschnitt: () Lonergan's principle of intentional sublation is analogous to Aristotle's notion of functional complementarity. In both cases, a higher level of human development and achievement augments the operations of a lower level while preserving their integrity and validity. ... Thomas Aquinas appropriates Aristotle's notion of complementarity for his own analysis of the relationship between created nature and operative grace. For Aquinas, the virtue of faith perfects and completes the activity of human reason as charity and hope perfect and complete the exercise of the cardinal virtues.
The interior pull towards authenticity and the sinful counter pull towards alienation constitute the central drama of human existence. The achievement of authenticity and the surrender to alienation clearly depend on the whole spectrum of intentional consciousness, but they rely most heavily on the subject's fourth-level operations of deliberating, evaluating, deciding and acting. ... We significantly determine who we are and will become by the concrete manner in which we choose and act.

In the practice of intentionality analysis, Lonergan regularly emphasizes three connected forms of sublation. The sublation of empirical consciousness by the intellectual and rational operations of the subject; the sublation of objective knowing by responsible decisions and choices; the religious sublation of both intentional knowing and doing by God's sanctifying and redemptive grace.
... the cultural traditions in which we are educated, are also constitutive of our identity.
Just as our personal decisions and choices serve to shape our moral identity, just as they make us authentic or alienated subjects, so our collective decisions about the common good and the sustainable future of our world shape our collective identity as a nation, a church, a global society.


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