
Autor: Caringella, Paul

Buch: Eric Voegelins's Significance for the Modern Mind

Titel: Voegelin: Philosopher of Devine Presence

Stichwort: paradoxe Struktur des Bewusstseins: Intentionalität (Thing-reality), Luminosität (It-Reality); Wahrheit

Kurzinhalt: The Structure of Consciousness, gemeinsame Struktur des Bewusstseins, Wahrheit als (Aspekt) Luminosität der Realität in Erfahrung und Imagination, Partizipation; 'balance', 'reflective distance'

Textausschnitt: () The common structure Voegelin exemplifies in Genesis 1 will be found in and applied to Plato and his Timaeus, Hesiod and his Theogony, and even Hegel and his Phenomenology.
With the common structure gained, we can penetrate to what is common in the dominant images of reality that emerged from the great visions and their stories: the images of order coming out of disorder in cosmological myth and ritual ...
Especially the emphasis on imagination links back to my desire to present Voegelin as the philosopher of divine presence in everyman, for surely everyman experiences himself as imagining.
At the heart of Voegelin's presentation of the structure of consciousness is what he calls 'the paradox of consciousness ...
On the one hand we speak of consciousness as a something located in human beings in their bodily existence. In relation to this concretely embodied consciousness, reality assumes the position of an object intended. ... thingness
On the other hand, we know the bodily located consciousness to be also real; and this concretely located consciousness does not belong to another genus of reality, but is part of the same reality that has moved, in its relation to man's consciousness, into the position of a thing-reality.
... two structures of consciousness named 'intentionality' and 'luminosity,' and two corresponding structures of reality dubbed 'thing-reality' and 'It-reality,' will be used to great effect in the rest of Volume V to explicate and explore the tensional nature of reality in its movement toward order
For the truth of reality is not an ultimate piece of information given to an outside observer but reality itself becoming luminous in the events of experience and imaginative symbolization. Truth is a perspective of reality, arising from man's participation, with his conscious existence, in the reality of which he is a part. Hence, ...
Of intentionality and mystery, we shall speak as 'structures' of consciousness. With the caution, however, that they are not fixtures of a human consciousness in the immanentist sense, perhaps an a priori structure, but moving forces in the process of reality becoming luminous.
Voegelin moves next from these first two structures to the third, which he names here 'the balance of consciousness' or 'wisdom' and, in the fifth volume, 'reflective distance.' 'The forces of intentionality and mystery are neither speculative assumptions, nor do they operate as a blind a priori. They are experienced as the moving forces of consciousness. [...] Hence, the process of reality becoming luminous is further structured by the consciousness of the two moving forces, of the tensions between them, and of the responsibility to keep their movements in such balance that the image resulting from their interactions will not distort the truth of reality'


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