
Autor: Caringella, Paul

Buch: Eric Voegelins's Significance for the Modern Mind

Titel: Voegelin: Philosopher of Devine Presence

Stichwort: Imagination u. reflektive Distanz; Balance, Differenzierung des Bewusstseins = Vertiefung göttl. Offenbarung

Kurzinhalt: imaginative stories; Distanz zw. Mensch und Gott: Notwendigkeit der Imagination, "Balance" oder magische Selbst-Schöpfung; Dichter als Rivale Gottes

Textausschnitt: 1) The imagination and its imaginative story (myth) - as the necessary and irreplaceable way of speaking of the mystery. And this story is always the expression of faith.
(2) Reflective distance ... as the human correlate of the divine Beyond.
... the further differentiation of the consciousness ... is the correlate of the deepening mystery of the divine Beyond in the same differentiating process.
With the later writings it becomes most clear that the human partner's response to the divine movement must be an imaginative one in trying to find appropriate symbols for what is happening in reality to the partners as each moves deeper into mystery in the growing intimacy of growing distance in the differentiating movement. The divine becomes more 'unknown' just as the human becomes more a mystery to itself.
As this movement proceeds, the greatest skill is required of the human imagination to keep the balance so as not to sever the tie that binds divine and human in the movement. Here, then, in reflective distance of consciousness, the human storyteller is most godlike, most the 'image of God.' And here, too, he can enter into his greatest rivalry with God, ... The image of reality and its movement that the human partner creates in response to the divine movement in his soul can maintain the balance, or it can fall away into the imaginary world of magical self-creation and self-salvation,


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