
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: ethics - foundational, von einer Metaphysik d. Seele zur intentionalen Analyse des Subjekts

Kurzinhalt: Existential Ethics and Historical Responsibility, Basis d. Ethik: unrestricted human desire to know u. dessen Entfaltung auf den 4 Ebenen; transcendental precepts: be attentive, intelligent, reasonable, responsible

Textausschnitt: The transition from classicism to historical mindedness has major implications for the practice of philosophy. The historic shift that Lonergan advocated from a metaphysics of the soul to the intentional analysis of the subject profoundly affects our understanding of knowing and being.
The philosophical turn to the subject shifts the focus of ethics from the terminal goods attained through the soul's operations to the originating sources of moral activity in the incarnate subject and in the evolving historical communities to which situated subjects belong. (eg: das heißt, hin zu den transzendentalen Imperativen)
Existential ethics discovers and articulates the basic principles, the structural invariants, of authentic human living. ...
a) the operation of these transcultural principles ...
b) their objective thematization ...
c) their active enrichment through the gift of God's grace
The core of ethics is the unrestricted human desire to know and actualize the good, the truly worthwhile, in all of its aspects and enabling conditions. The source of ethics is the normative unfolding of that constitutive eros on the four levels of intentional consciousness culminating in the subject's free and responsible decisions and actions. ... It is these exigent norms that are explicitly thematized in the transcendental precepts: be attentive, intelligent, reasonable and responsible. And, it is the operative principles as concretely experienced in human consciousness that are actively sublated by the gift of God's grace and profoundly distorted by the multiple forms of bias and sin.


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