
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: Kritisches Zentrum, Anforderungen an Christen für ein Wandel

Kurzinhalt: Liste: 3 Forderungen an die Kirche, struggle for authenticity, unrestricted fidelity to the transcendental precepts, Notwendigkeit eines Explikation der Konversion

Textausschnitt: The first requirement is sustained personal development, the continuous struggle for authenticity, unrestricted fidelity to the transcendental precepts, the constant withdrawal from alienation and sin, the humble recognition of our personal and collective limitations.
The second requirement is religious, moral and intellectual conversion, metanoia, the fundamental transformation of mind and heart that enables us to meet the demands of Christian leadership and education. By religious conversion, Lonergan means
The third requirement is to carry out the arduous and difficult process of personal appropriation. ... In self-appropriation, we thematize the ongoing process of spiritual conversion through which we became mature and responsible adults. Only on the basis of thematized conversion do we achieve the critical standpoint that enables us to distinguish between authenticity and alienation in human praxis, enduring achievement and aberrant ideology in the realm of theory, and between legitimate power and arbitrary rule in the governance of human affairs.


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