
Autor: Flanagan, Josef

Buch: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Titel: Quest for Self-Knowledge

Stichwort: statistisch, klassisch; Struktur, Gesetz; Gallileo, Aristoteles, Kant

Kurzinhalt: Unterschied zw. klassischer und statistischer Notion

Textausschnitt: () A classical norm was assumed to be a universal necessary standard for judging all cases without exception; Galileo did not anticipate discovering exceptions to the law of falling bodies. Statistical laws do anticipate such exceptions to ideal frequencies within a certain range, and so a statistical standard is not a universal necessary standard.

() Yet both the classical notion of science and classical laws and the statistical notion of science and statistical laws are based on questioning experiences, understanding those experiences, formulating an understanding of those experiences, and then verifying the formulations of this understanding of questioned experiences. The difference between these two notions of science and their respective heuristic procedures is that they ask different types of questions


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