
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: Mission der Jesuiten im Lichte vo Vaticanum II, Lonergan, authentic renewal

Kurzinhalt: Liste: 8 Punkte; Hauptaufgabe: Überwindung der tragischen Kluft: Imperativ d. Gerechtigkeit u. Verteilung von Reichtum, christliche und vorherrschene Werte (Akademie, Massenmedien); decline

Textausschnitt: () What are the deepest practical implications of the Christian faith today?
There is no more urgent mission for The Society of Jesus than to repair two 'tragic splits' that have divided modern society. First, the scandalous gap between the gospel imperatives of love and justice and the national and global distribution of economic wealth and political power. Second, the regrettable separation between the vision and values of the Christian gospel and the governing priorities of modern secular culture, particularly those of the academy and the mass media.
In Lonergan's judgment, the modern age confronts the universal Church with a radically new cultural context, with new types of experience and unfamiliar questions, with new scientific and scholarly discoveries, with new practical responsibilities, and a new awareness of historicity and pluralism.
These truly historic theoretical and practical advances were accompanied, however, by a distorted account of human knowledge, by a truncated analysis of human existence, and by a pervasive secularist bias incapable of responding effectively to the problem of human evil and sin. The major task of contemporary Christians, as Lonergan saw it, is to understand and transform modern society and culture after a long period of deliberate disengagement from its tangled blending of human greatness and wretchedness.
It is painful to shed ignorance; it is always difficult to achieve mastery and competence. It is hardest of all to accept the need for intellectual, moral and religious conversion, to surrender personal and cultural biases, to abandon sinful habits, to undergo a radical change in one's interests, concerns and values.
If Christian aggiornamento is really to be fruitful and genuine, the Church must take its stand on human authenticity, both the personal authenticity of the individual Christian and the communal authenticity of the Christian tradition itself.


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