
Autor: McCarthy, Michael

Buch: Workshop Rome 2001

Titel: Theological Reflection and Christian Renewal

Stichwort: Antwort der Jesuiten auf Vatikanum II, Pedro Arrupe, theologische Reflexion

Kurzinhalt: 4 Dimensionen theologischer Reflexion, Notwendige Kombination der ethischen Forderungen der Bibel mit einer Analyse der modernen Welt

Textausschnitt: In his clarifying commentary, Father Arrupe distinguished four interconnected dimensions of 'theological reflection'.
1) It has its origin in spiritual and religious experience. Theological reflection begins with personal prayer and meditation, the illumination of the mind and heart by the Holy Spirit.
2) It gradually unfolds into theological inquiry that seeks to plumb the unexplored depths of divine revelation, ...
3) Sustained reflection on holy scripture and traditional Christian doctrine needs to be augmented by a rigorous institutional and cultural analysis of modern society. The continuing empirical discoveries of the human sciences and historical scholarship must be critically integrated with the fullness of Christian theology and spirituality if the urgent problems identified in Gaudium et Spes are to be effectively addressed ...
4) Finally, theological reflection will require the exercise of Ignatian discernment by all who engage in it.


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