
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Metaphysik: implizit, problematisch, explizit

Kurzinhalt: Implicit and Problematic Metaphysics, Humanwissenschaften erweisen die Notwendigkeit einer Metyphysik

Textausschnitt: () The metaphysics with which we are concerned is a metaphysics that is implicit in everyone by the simple fact that he is a conscious subject that experiences, understands, and judges.
Besides the implicit stage in metaphysics, there is a problematic stage. The need for making the implicit explicit is felt, but the explicitation is not achieved. The problematic stage can be general or particular,
The problematic stage arises, in particular, insofar as there is a desire for a satisfactory method for the human sciences. In The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Husserl makes the point that,


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