
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Unbegrenztheit des Strebens nach Wissen, Obskurantismus

Kurzinhalt: The Range of Knowing; Unbegrenztheit des Wissensstrebens; the range of our desire to know is unrestricted;

Textausschnitt: () In the sense of radical potency, radical teleology, radical finality, I think it can be shown that our knowing is unlimited.
We can ask if there is anything beyond our total range. If we ask that, we have already asked a question about existence with regard to what lies beyond any hypothetical range one might like to set.
Is there a radical limitation to our mind, such that the question cannot even arise? There is not such a limit if we ask whether there are objects beyond the natural range; when we put that question our interest already transcends any hypothetical range. If this is so, then the range of our intellect, the radical range and not the range of what will fall within actual achievement at any future date, is unlimited. The range of our radical capacity, the range of our desire to know, then, is unrestricted. The object is everything about everything.
To brush questions aside in principle ... is to run counter to the nature of one's intellect. It is an obscurantism. The radical meaning of obscurantism is implicitly or explicitly holding the thesis that the range of our knowledge, the range of our desire to know, is limited.


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