
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: 3 Arten von Objekten: agent object, the terminal object, and the final object

Kurzinhalt: final object: motus in imaginem est idem ac motus in imaginatum; Unterschied zw. Bild und "Gebildetem"; Urteil und Begriff als Zielobjekt u. Finalobjekt

Textausschnitt: () One can speak of objects metaphysically, and then one distinguishes three types of objects: the agent object, the terminal object, and the final object. The agent object is illustrated by seeing.
motus in imaginem est idem ac motus in imaginatum. Imagining both produces an image and wants to represent some object, what is imagined. There is a distinction between the image and what is imagined. We do not produce in ourselves what is imagined, otherwise we could produce in ourselves anything sensible. But we form the image within ourselves to move to the final object.
As in the imagination, so in judgment we can speak of a terminal and a final object. The terminal object which you produce in yourself is the concept and the judgment, and through that concept and judgment there is a finality, a final object. But is that final object, known through the concept and the judgment - is that really what is real?


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