
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Selbstaffirmation als Tatsachenurteil

Kurzinhalt: Self-affirmation and Judgment of Fact; jedes Tatsachenurteil setzt voraus: Erfahrung, Intelligenz, Urteil

Textausschnitt: () What we mean by fact is what is known through experience, understanding, and judging. Fact is not simply sensible presentation; it is not simply seeing my hand outstretched with something across it. ... To put it more simply, any judgment presupposes the unconditioned or it is not absolute. The unconditioned presupposes a conception; otherwise you do not have a conditioned, something determinate about which to make your judgment. This conditioned inherent in the conception results from inpsight and inquiry, and you have to have something to have insight into and to inquire about; so you need experience.


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