
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Self-affirmation; transzendentales Ego

Kurzinhalt: Schluss auf eine Einheit (transzendentales Ego), die den verschiedenen Tätigkeiten zugrunde liegen muss; verification of the transcendental ego

Textausschnitt: () If we have perceptions and empirical presentations by themselves, and inquiry completely separate, the inquiry will not be about the presentations. For inquiry to be about the presentations, we have to have a unity.
One at least must postulate a transcendental ego that performs all of these activities, even if it is not given in consciousness. Even if one's consciousness is simply of the single acts and there is no consciousness of one subject of the series of acts, still one has to postulate such a subject, the transcendental ego, the condition of the possibility of knowing.
They are my perceiving, my inquiring, my understanding, long before the perceiving, inquiring, and understanding are distinguished from one another. The unity of the subject is given prior to any thinking about it.


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