
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Urteile im Bereich d. Wissenschaft; Masse: Euklid, Einstein; logische Form

Kurzinhalt: Probable Judgments; wahrscheinliche Urteile; allgemeine Form des wissenschaftlichen Arguments: If A, then B; but B; therefore A; logisch nicht zwingend

Textausschnitt: () However, insofar as this law is understood on the assumptions of a Euclidean space, it has to be revised when special relativity is introduced and space is no longer strictly Euclidean. In other words, assumptions that lie on a remote level may be changed, and then the law will not be used in exactly the same sense as before. In general, ...
In mechanics and dynamics, the concept of mass is fundamental; in relativity, mass does not have exactly the same properties as it has in Newtonian mechanics. Insofar as special relativity is said to have been sufficiently established, that is, to be still more probable than Newtonian mechanics, there is a change in that fundamental notion.
The scientist does not reach the virtually unconditioned. The scientific argument from verification is generally of the following type: If A, then B; but B; therefore A. If the theory, A, is true, then we have all these things that we account for; but we have all these things accounted for; therefore, the theory is a fairly good account of them. This is not a logically valid argument; but ...


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