
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Urteil an sich, Bestandteile des Urteils, Urteil als Setzung (nicht Bildung) einer Hypothese; Thomas, Aristoteles

Kurzinhalt: Urteil als Verbindung, Teilung; Thomas: Verbindung of essence with existence; judgment in which one posits synthesis; Wahrheit als Kern des Urteils; proper, borrowed content; implicit content: truth

Textausschnitt: () However, from the Thomist viewpoint the relevant composition is composition of essence with existence on the objective side. The act of judgment is not an act of synthesis, but an act in which one posits synthesis. A theory, a hypothesis, a proposition, a definition, already contains a synthesis. Judgment does not add further synthesis; it simply posits the synthesis that is the object of thought.
Since judgment is positing synthesis, we can distinguish in the judgment between its proper content and its borrowed content. The proper content is the positing, the 'Yes,' the 'No,' 'It is,' 'It is not.' The borrowed content is the object of thought which is reached by conception on the second level.
Besides the explicit content of the synthesis and its positing - one borrowed, one proper - there is the implicit content. When I say, 'It is,' I also mean, 'It is true that it is.' Truth is the implicit content of every judgment. The implicit content can be made explicit; but it is really included in the simple statement, 'It is.'


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