
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Urteil, hinreichende Begründung (sufficiency), Trinität (Thomas, Augustin)

Kurzinhalt: von reflektiven Verstehen zum Urteil; hinreichende Begründung -> entweder Urteil oder Selbstwiderspruch; rationale Notwendigkeit zum Urteilen,

Textausschnitt: () He has the sufficiency of the evidence, and it is up to him to judge; and if he does not judge he is introducing a contradiction within himself. He is rational, he is a reasonable being, and yet he is defaulting on his rationality if he grasps the sufficiency of the evidence and does not judge.
That is the rational necessity of judging. Judging, then, in the third place, is the fruit of the actual rationality of consciousness, and that aspect of judgment provides Augustinian and Thomist Trinitarian theory with its psychological analogy: the procession of the Son from the Father is not a matter of causing; it is a matter of the 'because' that occurs within a spiritual being.


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