
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: Urteil, Satz, non asserendo sed recitando

Kurzinhalt: Judgment and Propositions, Unterschied zw. Urteil und Proposition

Textausschnitt: () The act of judgment is the act that adds assent to a proposition, that changes a proposition from the expression of an object of thought, the expression of some bright idea that comes into your mind, into an object of affirmation.
Questions on the second level are questions for intelligence: What? Why? How often? But questions on this third level are questions for reflection: Is it? Is it so? Whether this or that? The answers on the third level are of the type yes or no. It is or it is not. There are two basic alternatives. Those answers can also be modal: they can be qualified in as many ways as one pleases - possibly, probably, certainly, I don't know, we'll see. However, they are all of the basic type, it is and it is not.


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