
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: self-appropriation, ready made ideal, blocking self-appropriation, summary

Kurzinhalt: Selbstaneignung gemäß des eigenen Ideals, Qualis quisque est, Blockierung der inneren Tendenz gemäßt des selbstgemachten Ideals, Zusammenfassung

Textausschnitt: () Now there is a joker in this business of self-appropriation. We do not start out with a clean slate as we move towards self-appropriation. We already have our ideals of what knowledge is, and we want to do self-appropriation according to the ideal that is already operative in us ...
... self-appropriation is not a simple matter of moving in and finding the functionally operative tendencies that ground ideals. It is also a matter of pulling out the inadequate ideals that may be already existent and operative in us.
Qualis quisque est, talis finis videtur ei.
Why is it, ... that in the course of seven hundred years only seven scholastics advert to the possibility, and only some of those accept it? It is this existential problem. It is the presence of a ready-made ideal of what knowledge must be, blocking self-appropriation.


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