
Autor: Lonergan, Bernard J.F.

Buch: Understanding and Being

Titel: Understanding and Being

Stichwort: self-appropriation, dynamism, presence, introspection, empirical, intelligent, rational consciousness

Kurzinhalt: Selbstaneignung: von außen zur Dynamik der inneren Bewegung, Beispiel: Präsenz, Introspektion, 4 Stufen des Bewusstseins,

Textausschnitt: () The trick in self-appropriation is to move one step backwards, to move into the subject as intelligent - asking questions; as having insights - being able to form concepts; as weighing the evidence - being able to judge. We want to move in there where the ideal is functionally operative prior to its being made explicit in judgments, concepts, and words.
Moving in there is self-appropriation; moving in there is reaching what is prepredicative, preconceptual, prejudicial.
To sum up: there is a merely material sense of presence - the chairs are present in the room; there is a second sense - one person is present to the other; there is a third sense - a person has to be somehow present to himself for others to be present to him.
What is important, in other words, is the looker, not the looked-at, even when the self is what is looked at. So it is not a matter of introspection in any spatial sense, in any sense of 'looking back into,' because what counts is not the presence of what is looked at, but the presence of the subject that looks, even when he is looking at himself.


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