
Autor: Purcell, Brendan M.

Buch: The Drama of Humanity

Titel: The Drama of Humanity

Stichwort: Evolution, Aristoteles, Voeglein; Kosmos, Mensch, Gott,

Kurzinhalt: Moderne: Immanentisierung d. Welt, Verabsolutierung d. Teilbereiche, Lascaux - neurologischer Sprung

Textausschnitt: () In the modern period, experience of divine reality was at first rejected, then routinely eclipsed. As a result, the idea of man or of the 'world,' became radically immanentized. But since the quest for the ground may be suppressed, but not abolished, one or other of these immanentized contents were hypostatized into an absolute.
On this loss of balance between the partners in being, Voegelin remarks that 'if, instead of the original reality, one part of the reality is erected into an absolute, all other parts of reality must be construed as a function of the one absolute reality, which is only a part of reality.'
Underlying all the dilletantic criteria for Homo, is this radical presumption that human beings are completely constituted by material reality.
How paradoxical that the most striking archaeological signature of the full-blown emergence of our own human species [...] turns out to be not new and better hand axes but symbolic art. It is precisely non-utilitarian art that bears the greatest significance in showing that modern humans had made the leap to assigning value to objects that went beyond practical day-to-day needs.


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