
Autor: Hutchinson, Eliot Dole

Buch: A Study of interpersonal relations: new contributions to psychiatry

Titel: The Period of Frustration in Creative Endeavor

Stichwort: Prozess; schöpferischer; Management, Frustration

Kurzinhalt: Methode, um mit der Frustration im Zusammenhang mit dem schöpferischen Prozess umzugehen

Textausschnitt: () ... I suggest as the most effective way an acceptance of a period of renunciation or recession, a turning to unrelated interests, a purposive rejection of the problem from consciousness. The essential difficulty of the problem makes necessary its abandonment for the time being.

()Such suppression, or laying aside of the problem, is to be distinguished from simple repression by its foresighted, voluntary, character. It is a deliberate attempt to systematize the creative process by setting aside the problem for a planned interval, with intentions of consciously resuming it at a specified later date. In the interim it may appear repeatedly in consciousness, no matter.


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