
Autor: Purcell, Brendan M.

Buch: The Drama of Humanity

Titel: The Drama of Humanity

Stichwort: Schichten, Entwicklung, Verbindung

Kurzinhalt: Deutung des Zusammenhangs d. verschiedenen Schichten: Evolution, Aristoteles (Voegelin), Lonergan, emergent probability, material emergence, formal transformation, existence, finality

Textausschnitt: () There are several frameworks which have tried to articulate the link between the various levels. At present, the two most common are the anthropic principle and neo-Darwinian evolutionism. However, both seem to run the danger of a kind of reductionist determinism, in which the lower levels are the most real ones, and the later levels simply expressions of implications to be found within the lower levels.
() These tiers of the hierarchy of being are related to each other in: (a) the material dependence of the higher on the lower and (b) the [formal] organization of the lower by the higher ones. The relations are not reversible.
... 'emergent probability.' Its openness is due to its radically non-deductive nature, accepting as a matter of fact that lower aggregates of existence make materially possible the emergence of the next level, but neither explain it nor necessitate it.
Some of the most obvious 'principles' that emerge from such an inquiry are those of the principle of material emergence-the fact of matter occurring at various levels of complexity; of formal transformation-the fact that each level of matter up to the matter in human beings, is transformed in order to serve the requirements of the next highest level; of existence-the fact that each level, and the entire sequence of levels, as a matter of contingent, non-necessary and non-deductive fact, exists; and of finality-the fact that an immanent, contingent dynamism can be discerned in the sequence of higher integrations of the lower levels.


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