
Autor: Purcell, Brendan M.

Buch: The Drama of Humanity

Titel: The Drama of Humanity

Stichwort: Lonergan, universal, Gesichtspunkt, Konversion, Voegelin

Kurzinhalt: universaler Gesichtspunkt, Lonergan: noetic, noematic (Voegelin); heuristische "Schere", spoudaios, Veogelin über Nikomachische Ethik, Glucksmann

Textausschnitt: () ... a noetic issue, which refers to the aesthetic/intellectual/moral/spiritual capacity of the interpreter, and a noematic issue, which refers to what the interpreter is trying to appreciate /understand/evaluate/believe in the entire range of human phenomena throughout history. The 'noetic' issue can be called, with Lonergan, the aspect of 'universal viewpoint,' and the 'noematic' aspect can be what Voegelin refers to as 'universal humanity.'
... It's hard to imagine that a Foucault, a Derrida or a Rorty would insist on not being attentive, on not being intelligent, on not being reasonable, on not being responsible


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