
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Sein, Objekt, Objektivität, Wissensstreben, Konversion

Kurzinhalt: Sein <-> Objekt: äquivalent, Urteil, Brücke, distinctio, radikale Konversion; Sein: Ding - Ich; Ich-Ding-Unterscheidung -> Sein

Textausschnitt: () The pure notion of being is the pure desire to know inasmuch as it heads towards the absolutely universal and the absolutely concrete: ...
As Lonergan's early intellectual conversion was rooted in an understanding of the real distinction of essence and existence, so here he affirms the distinction within being of essence and existence:
Objectivity is rooted in the pure desire to know issuing in radical intellectual conversion:
an object is what is known in true judgment; hence 'object' and 'being' are equivalent terms. Lonergan rejects 'the problem of the bridge,' of getting from 'in here' to 'out there' as a false conception of the objectivity of human knowing:
Object is being; but differentiation of being from within; hence 'I' and 'thing' are known through differentiating 'being.'
Knowledge of real subject, real object, and real distinction is a set of judgments.
'I am' 'It is' 'I am not it' 'I make these judgments.'
As he had affirmed in Verbum, such transcendence is rooted in the fact that our intellect is a created participation in uncreated light.


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