
Autor: Liddy, Richard M.

Buch: Transforming Light

Titel: Transforming Light

Stichwort: Punkt, Linie, Euklid, Vorstellung, Definition, Verstehen, Formalursache

Kurzinhalt: Vorstellung - Definition - Verstehen; die Vorstellung, die für etwas steht, unabhängig davon, wem die "Elemente" der Vorstellung gleichen, Kreis, Formalursache, Notwendigkeit, materia

Textausschnitt: () The solution to this anomaly is the symbolic image, that is, the image that stands for things it does not resemble. The geometer boldly imagines blobs and bars but understands them and thinks of them as Euclidean points and lines. The geometer does not bother producing lines indefinitely; he produces them a bit but understands them and thinks of them as indefinitely produced. He can do this because in between his images and his understanding there intervene his definitions, which settle for understanding and thought what the images stand for, no matter what they resemble.
... why is this symbolically imagined uniformly round plane curve a circle?
The 'must' and 'cannot' reveal the activity of understanding; and what is understood is not how to use the name, circle, but circularity itself. Further, not only does understanding intervene, but it intervenes with respect to sensible data; the necessity results from the equality of all radii, but only sense knows a multiplicity of radii; the abstract radius is unique.


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